Community Child Health Level 3 Training Day

Category: Training - Other

Date: May 3rd 2019

Location: Seminar Room 5, Maternity Block, Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital NHS Foundation Trust EX2 5DW

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Community Child Health Level 3 Training Day


03rd May 2019


Venue: Seminar Room 5, Maternity Block, Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital NHS Foundation Trust



0900 - 0930 Registration, Tea and Coffee

0930 - 1030 Psychology: cognitive assessment by Jenny Bunting, Clinical Psychologist

1030 - 1130 Genetic testing in developmental delay by James Fasham, Genetics Trainee

1130 - 1145 Tea and Coffee

1145 - 1245 SALT assessment for speech delay

1245 - 1330 Lunch

1330 - 1430 Developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD) by Fionna Blogg, Paediatric Physiotherapy department Plymouth

1430 - 1500 Tea and Coffee

1500 - 1600 Child protection


For more information please contact Dr Yassin


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