ARCP guidance - Educational Supervisor Trainer's Report
All of our ARCP assessments are conducted electronically using ePortfolio. Therefore the Educational Supervisor Trainer's report for the ARCP MUST be completed using the RCPCH e-portfolio (click on Supervision, then Add New Form and add a new Trainer's Report). The trainer's report now has two parts - for most supervisors (who know the trainee from a clinical perspective) you should complete BOTH parts. We ask for a trainer's report for each placement (two six month placements with two supervisors need two reports please, one from each supervisor).
If you need to issue a supplementary report, simply complete another Trainer's report with the supplementary information.
The Trainer's report should confirm the number of satisfactory workplace-based assessments (WPBAs). Beware not to double-count assessments - they should only relate to the period for which you are reporting.
In addition to confirming the number of satisfactory WPBAs, please ensure that they cover the breadth of the curriculum at the trainee's level (i.e. not all neonatology, etc).
When a trainee is moving from one level to another (i.e. ST3 to 4 - completion of level 1; and ST5 to 6 - completion of level 2 training), please check to ensure the trainee satisfies the essential criteria (e.g. has all the mandatory level 1 DOPs and MRCPCH, in addition to the correct number of mini-CEX and CbD, before progression to ST4 or level 2 training).
Please assess the trainee's coverage of the RCPCH curriculum. This will evident in the following areas:
- The Development Log in the trainee's e-Portfolio
- Workplace-based assessments
- The e-Portfolio curriculum: against which the trainee should enter electronic notes (annotation) and cross-reference to other areas in their Development Log (e.g. training events attended, reflective entries, etc).
Finally, remember to save as a final version.